Hello everyone!

18/08/2024 5:39 PM
Another update in the same day!(...kinda)
So... I've added on the about me page a new whole section... the music section! There are listed some of my favorite albums of all time and a tiny tiny story about how I got into listening to albums from the start to the end!
Talking about this page, I find it very ugly, so I'm currently thinking about creating a new page, that will be only about these kinds of updates, leaving the front page a place to access everything in the website, making it a bit cleaner and overall, cooler.

Editing this website is now getting very addicting

18/08/2024 02:53 AM
Hello world! Now the website is much cooler. In these days I've added a background with some trees, some with fruits, and kept the pink gradient. Now there's also a menu bar on the top! Very cool, right?? The menu bar can lead you in two places: here and on a new page... the about me section!!! On it there's a little presentation for everyone of you who is interested, that you can read to know more about myself!
While I'm not always writing new things, I'm tweaking every aspect of this site, it's hard and I'm a little slow(because I have to learn the things first, then use them here), but it's a very fun challenge and I'm starting to love this website like a baby of mine, my little creation on the web. Have a nice day♥

Hii, this is my page/blog/website.
I am Ale, also called Ales, Alexia, and other names that could pop up sometimes☺.You can refer to me as they/them, I'll talk about this later on. I will use this page to share everything that crosses my mind. It could be about music(I love listening to albums), movies(love watching them, but also hate it a bit?? Hard to explain), about videogames(or my Journey on MAKING them!!), tabletop rpgs, or about animes and mangas... really, it could be about anything!
Since this is my first time doing anything like this and also because I didn't create this site with a objective in mind, I don't really know how I will organize everything neither how it will turn out. The reason I created this website is just because of this video, this motivated to finally do a website. So here we are! I will update this wonderful place as soon as I can. Have a nice day reader!