Who am I?
Hi! This is my about page. I am Ale, but I also go with other names such as Ales, Alexia or other ones that could pop up in the signatures of what I wrote that time. I'm 2X years old and currently studying for a computer science degree, in a university, so basically, I'm a programmer. I can code in C, a little bit of c++ and a little bit of java(just because is very similiar to other languages), and I am also learning html and css thanks to this website. The reason why I chose to go into computer science is because I love creating, following these lectures has given me the ability to create, I can create a simple programm, I can create a game, I could do everthing I want(and so could you!) thanks to these things I'm learning.
I live for art, really. It's everywhere and I consume it in every possible way, music, films, mangas, animes, videogames, drawings, literature etc. But I don't mean consuming in a way of "eating it" and that's it: I mean that I consume that type of art and make it mine. I am who I am thanks to it, it helped me understand more things that I could ever do in my own, helped me in seeing another perspective of a subject, it has helped me to grow as a person.
So I feel I have to give it back, at least something, for someone else, who like me, is knowing themself through these mediums. So 7 years back I followed a course to do games, with gamemaker and tried to get into music production, for this last one I tried hard but failed, I still have remorse for stopping in trying. Then 5 years ago I started drawing, still make bad drawings, but I know I have done big steps. Then I got in contact with tabletop rpgsm, it really clicked with me instantly. So I started dreaming of worlds, adventures and so on. Then this year comes, I knew I had to do something, I knew I wanted to create something, so I decided, I would start to develop games again but didn't start... until this video has shown on my youtube feed. Needless to say, I started right away and got my interest into game developing to really skyrocket(thank you Thor). So yeah, no more to say for the moment, will probably update it more in the future. Thank you for visiting my page, I wish you much love and a nice lifeā™„
PS: I've wrote this at 3AM, so, sorry if I could have wrote in broken english T_T

Talking about music. . .
I really love listening to albums. I used to be interested in music, but not in listening to records, until, 5 years ago, when I rediscovered K*ye W*st, it was really cool to listening to these albums and just seeing the vision that the artist put in there. It was fun listening to k*nye, until he decided to do hate speech(I stopped listening to him the day later he went on that podcast, fuck hatespeech of any kind.). After this I found my self in a bad situation, because he was one my most streamed artists, I felt a bit lost; So I started discovering more music and got in the mindset of listening to albums. Nowadays I listen to every old or new records that seems to be interesting and then rate them on aoty(cool website btw). Of course, I am no Anthony Fantano, but it's nice to have a place where I can write my feelings about something I have just listened. I do enjoy very different types of music, so here's some of my favorites of all time(in no particulary order):

  • Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 85-92
  • Grimes - Visions
  • Death Grips - The Money Store
  • Devon Hendryx - The Ghost-Pop Tape
  • C418 - Minecraft Volume Alpha
  • Have a Nice Life - Deathconsciousness
  • Some others that I really like and want to shoutout are:
  • Arca's Kick I, Kick II, Kick III
  • Of course Aphex Twin's second Selected Ambient Works
  • Also, C418 Minecraft Volume Beta, which I think is objectively better than Volume Alpha
  • Last but not least, Yeule's Serotonin II (I really love them)

  • The Background of the page is done by me!